Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Random thoughts

Recently a friend posted some random thoughts, and it seems fitting since I don't really have time to post an explanatory (is that the right word?) blog about our recent happenings. So here are some snippets of life right now. 

- Working out feels great! I have worked out 3 days in a row, and I love it. I am committed to working out 5 days a week now. This is just the beginning, but everyone starts somewhere right?

-Hermit week is next week with Finals week and Move Out weekend to follow. Life gets busy right about now. Late nights, early mornings, spare minutes spent on details. Deadlines, pressure, need for accuracy... good motivators.

-I LOVE our life group. Standing invitation: 6:30 potluck dinner and service to each other or the community every week. Good stuff. Need something to do Wednesday evenings? Come to the PUMP house.

-I adore my husband. He is amazingly dedicated, a great dad and my best friend.

-Baby-sitting/Preschool soon to come to an official end. Sad for me but necessary. I can't do everything I'm doing well so I'm slimming down. 

-Awaiting the arrival of baby Tucker with anxiousness. Is today the day? Where's my phone? It's probably hiding where Kristi's phone is hiding and I bet the culprit is a curly red headed sweet-girl.

-It feels like it's going to rain, a lot. Forecast is for sun. I hope I'm wrong.

That's it for now. Duty calls.



Kristi said...

If she tells you where she hid your phone, see if she'll cave on where mine is, too.

suzylu said...

you girls better find your phones so I can call you when baby Tucker does decides to show up. For now though this baby is just a tease. But I will pray that your phones cut their vacation short and come home!!! Leah - I'm glad you're cutting back on things and taking care our yourself - and GOOD JOB on the working out!!!