Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Media vs. Politics vs. Truth

I rarely dip my toe into the pool of politics because I don't feel like I can intelligently contribute to the discussion. - Now I know why. 

Today I read on my FOX News feed this story about NBC selectively editing Richard Engal's interview with President Bush. You can find the FOX Story here, the White House's letter to NBC here and NBC's response here. It took me a while to read them all but this is the first time I have dug into a news story to find out the truth.

Now back to my original statement. It is evident to me that the reason I don't feel intelligent is NOT because the news media is actively participating in selective editing, but because I haven't spent the time and effort on finding the truth within the news community. What does in fact disgust me is the fact that I can't turn on the national news and get the real story, the truth. I personally feel deeply offended by news media in general and don't really know where to turn for the truth on things of this world. Because, really, how do I know that FOX doesn't skew the news to fit their agenda the way NBC, ABC or CBS do? And in a time of political transition it seems extremely important to know the truth of the matters at hand. And seriously, I don't have the time to search out the truth for every aspect of politics or those who seek a seat in determining the future of our country. And so I, and millions of other hard working Americans, rely on the news media for accurate accounts of national and international events, thus providing us a base to make our mark by voting for said hopefuls. This sends all of my opinions flying right out the window and I am left with a ballot unmarked and no confidence in my thoughts about all things political. - And though I can't complain too much since it is truly my responsibility to search for that truth if I really want it, I am deeply dismayed by the displays of selfishness and deceit by the news media.

I spent some time with my parents a couple of weeks ago and was able to have some conversations about politics and religion. The latter I am comfortable with but putting them both together in conversation makes me squirm... a LOT, and even feel a bit of anxiety. Lord, why does it have to be so difficult to understand, and how relevant is my voice in all of it? 
And so while I don't think I am getting the truth from humans in the media, in a time when I'm told that my vote and my voice count, and while I don't feel like I can intelligently contribute to a political conversation, I know where to find real peace and truth.

An interesting thought came to mind while I was in conversation with my mom, who said she had never heard it put this way, and so I share it with the few who read this blog: Humans tend to think that God is not active in the world because the Bible has a back cover, and I think that is a big mistake. 

The one truth that I rest in, literally, the thing that stills my heart and allows me to sleep at night, is knowing that God still rules in His Kingdom, and His Kingdom is happening now. And what is important far beyond whether I vote today or not, is whether I am sharing the truth of God's Kingdom and His love and grace with people I know and love. 


Hey all you Twitter friends! Am I the only one who can't sign on or is the site down? And how silly is it that I had a momentary feeling of disappointment knowing I couldn't "tweet" the latest happenings at our house!

Welp, on with the rest of the day...

Perhaps I'll get more done since I won't be occupied with Twittering.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I keep trying to get on here and textualize* my thoughts about the last week and a half. (*is that a word?) It is proving to be very difficult. 

There are a lot of things I would love to blog about but the biggest thing that keeps a smile on my face is that my Dad does not have cancer. After a chest x-ray and a CT scan they were pretty sure he had Lymphoma. Then he had the biopsy and even the surgeon was pretty sure he was dealing with cancer. But when the pathology report came back the cancer doctor said he had to look everything over again because he was shocked that it reported the tumor to be completely benign. And here's the thing: that biopsy wasn't just a clipping of a piece of tissue. They took a full tumor out to test so there is not really the possibility that they could have missed something. - My mom called after the appointment to tell me and said that the cancer doc was extremely happy to be able to report that he would not be able to help my dad because he doesn't have cancer. - What a day that was!!

My dad still doesn't feel good. The symptoms that caused him to go to the doctor are still there so they will approach the illness from a different angle. - And you know what, even if things change and for some reason he is diagnosed with Lymphoma or something else after all, I find myself resting in the assurance that God knows what is happening... that even if he ends up dealing with something more severe than an infection we will find hope, peace and strength in the Lord as powerfully as we rejoice in his mercy now. He is faithful in all things.

Praise the Lord!
      For he has heard my cry for mercy.
The Lord is my strength and shield.
      I trust him with all my heart.
   He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.
      I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.
Psalm 28: 6&7

Monday, May 5, 2008


To all who are weary and those who are heavy laden,
Lay at the feet of the one who loves you best.
Bring all of your trials and all of your tribulation,
Come unto me and I will give you rest.

I will give you rest!

Take my yoke upon you, come and learn from me.
For I am humble in spirit, and so you must also be.
And lo I will be with you in the midst of every test. 
If you run unto me, I will give you rest!

I will give you rest!

Big Daddy Weave - One and Only 

If you have it, listen to it again. If you don't  you should get this Big Daddy Weave CD.

Good music

Friday, May 2, 2008


Things have settled down. Students have checked out of the dorms and life isn't as hectic as it has been since about February 20th. I can finally think about things other than my family and my job, though both are of course still a priority. 

All of the things I have felt great guilt about putting off can consume my thoughts and time. They are all things that I love or am committed to, which the latter would require at least a little bit of love, so I am glad to be giving them my attention.

I miss my family. We are going up to my parents' house next weekend. We're going to a T-Ball game of my niece Abby's, having a BBQ and just having a good time. - I love it!!

I miss my other family. But we are going to see them in June so I am glad about that. It's always like going home when we go to Logan's parents' house... just different. In June it should be super sunny during the day with a sky full of stars at night. The kids will play in the yard, we will sit and sip iced tea and talk about things or play games. Love that too!

And I miss my friends. Kristi, Suzy, Kaelea, Traci and others that I haven't been able to spend much time with at all. I will be able to have people over to visit and not feel preoccupied with work business or get knocks on the door from students needing something. And BABY TUCKER!!, whenever that kid decides to make his/her entrance (and I'm leaning towards the "his"), will be a very GREAT day! I can't wait.

I am ready for sunny weather and not this crazy weather we've had going on: sunny one minute and monsoon rain the next, but predictable sunny days. I am ready to get the sprinkler out for Kevin and Nolan and sit in my chair and relax outside. I am ready for some sun!

I have also been on my knees for my family, friends and PUMP. Everyone seems to be going through some sort of tough thing, and I just need to be in prayer for people. So if you are reading this I probably know who you are and you can rest in knowing you are carried to The Throne often.