Sunday, June 22, 2008

This is week 12. I have been on a work out program for 11 weeks so far and this is week 12 for me. When I decided to start working out it was not necessarily for fantastic weight loss results. I have a problem with my right hip and I have Fibromyalgia and I had to do something about it. I didn't have energy to take my kids outside and when we did get outside I was too tired or in too much pain to push the swing or help them on the monkey bars. And the idea of going on a hike or on an outing of some sort was out of the question. That is not what I want my life to be like with my boys. So I prayed, God, I can't do this for the rest of my life. I have to do better, be better. I have to be able to have a good time with my kids. This is the age that I have been looking forward to with them and it is slipping out of my hands!  The doctors aren't helpful, they treat me like a hypochondriac so I'm going to have to do it independent of them, but I need your help. Oh God, I need your help. 

And then my mom gave me the perfect book (of course). It is by a woman who lost 200 pounds on her own. So following her recommendations and being committed in prayer, five days a week, rain or shine, feeling great or feeling crummy I work out for 30 minutes at home on a mini trampoline or I go to water aerobics for an hour. 

Eleven weeks later I can not only push the swing but I can do under-dogs. That would have been out of the question weeks ago. And last week I had a few extra kids for a while so we went to the playground. I pushed the merry go round. Let me say that again: I can do under-dogs and push the merry go round in the same day! - That is why I work out!

I debated whether to post this little testimony. It seems like every time I make my intentions for better health known to others they are thwarted by one thing or another. But I have to because the glory needs to go to God. I know He gives me the "oomph" to get up out of bed in the morning and get going on the trampoline, or to make the decision to take time for myself and go to water aerobics. He strengthens me in the moments when I react poorly to the stresses of life. He blesses me with a supportive family and network of friends. 

There is the added bonus of loosing 6 inches and about 5 pounds, but the greatest result is that I have less pain and more energy. Every day I work out, I feel good that day. I see daily results and I can daily give glory to The LORD for answering my desperate cry for help. My friend recently sent me this scripture and it is not only a wonderful encouragement but a fitting description of my feelings on this journey...

Psalm 121

1 "I look up to the hills, 

       but where does my help come from?

 2 My help comes from the Lord, 

       who made heaven and earth. 

 3 He will not let you be defeated. 

       He who guards you never sleeps. 

 4 He who guards Israel 

       never rests or sleeps.

 5 The Lord guards you. 

       The Lord is the shade that protects you from the sun.

 6 The sun cannot hurt you during the day, 

       and the moon cannot hurt you at night.

 7 The Lord will protect you from all dangers; 

       he will guard your life.

 8 The Lord will guard you as you come and go, 

       both now and forever."

Thank you LORD! 


Cheryl Russell said...

That's awesome Leah! I will be praying for you. I love that you gave the credit to God, you do that a lot. Nice.

suzylu said...

thanks for sharing your testimony! it is encouraging to see you pushing through/sticking with something that isn't always fun but the rewards are life changing! You are an inspiration to me my friend!

Kenli Shea said...

Thanks girl, that helped me. I started running and walking and did well for a while, then just did not get up and do it. So, b/c of your testimony you helped me. Thanks. Love you girl. Keep up the good work, your boys love it and will thank you for it someday.