Thursday, July 12, 2007

To Mac or not to Mac?

I finally did it, and though buyer's remorse is slowly creeping in I am truly happy with my purchase. I ordered a Macbook today. It will be smaller, lighter, more efficient and able to last longer than 36 months without major defects or the blue screen of death.

The down side: I get to learn a new system in the middle of one of the busiest times of the year for our profession.

The up side: My sister, who works for Microsoft, will not disown me. And I know now that it's not "Macintosh" it's "Apple"... and all of the customer service reps speak perfect North American English.

Oh, and I ordered a new printer that does everything except toast bread.


Tim said...

Welcome. I own a dual 1.8 Ghz G5 Powermac. It's great. A lot of the software I previously owned didn't work, but it did pretty much everything I need it to, plus there's free opensource software for a lot of stuff. It's crashed much less than previous PCs and I don't worry about viruses anymore.

Leah said...

I'm like a kid on Christmas. I CAN'T wait!! It should be delivered today but we don't have anyone in the mail room so I might call Fed Ex and ask if I can go pick it up.

James T Wood said...

You should check out software from Omni. My brother is one of the founders of the company and they do good work (or so I've heard, since I don't have a mac-er-apple). I'm ok with the purchase, just as long as you don't turn out to be a smarmy jerk like the dude on the comercials (or Tim).